My favourite fitness studios in Toronto


Spinco is my favourite spin studio in Toronto.  The classes are high energy, the music is on point, and the classes are well priced compared to other studios in Toronto.  It is also a Canadian company (and it doesn't hurt that they are opening a studio near my apartment soon!).  Like many spin studios, you ride to the beat of the music.  The low lighting makes it feel intense, and gives some anonymity if you're new and want to ride in the back.  I love the beat-heavy music, but I must admit I wear earplugs because it can be a little loud!  Midway through the class, there is a break for some high-rep arm weights.  Nothing gives me an endorphin-rush than some serious cardio, and I always leave these classes dripping and energized!  They have first-timer deals, and you can buy single classes or passes.  


studio lagree

Studio Lagree is a souped-up reformer pilates class.  Billed as "a studio concept workout that effectively combines core, endurance, cardio, balance,  strength and flexibility training in every move," it is truly a workout like no other.  I'm always challenged here, and I'm always sore after.  I've actually found that the better you get at doing the moves (it can take a while to feel confident on the machine), the harder they become because your form improves and you stop taking rests during sets.  It is a great core workout, but they don't neglect the arms or legs either.  I like to go to Lagree when I'm feeling too lazy to work out, because my brain is occupied with focusing more on how to do the moves and then I don't realize how intense of a workout I did until it is over.  And then boy do you ever notice it!  The studio I go to is on a second floor and on the way down the stairs after class, your legs are jelly (see second photo above of their reminder that your legs may be more worn out than you think!).  If you haven't tried this workout class yet, I suggest you give it a go.  I know it seems intimidating, and it is hard to hide in there, but the instructors are super friendly and there is usually a good mix of men, women and different body types there.  First class is free, and you can buy packages or singles after that.


elle fitness

Elle Fitness on King St is a class based, women's only gym.  The classes are an hour long, fun and intense!  Their "Bodies by Elle" class is a mix of treadmill sprints and weights and is not for the faint of heart.  "Hard Ass" with Eneli is my favourite - an hour of crazy butt workouts with a sweet soundtrack.  I haven't taken any of the dance classes here, but I always mean to because they look so fun.  Gotta get out of the comfort zone and finally try it!  As above, you can get single classes or class packs, but if you want a package I'd keep an eye out for promos because they have them often!


Trying a new workout class can be a great way to increase motivation, and is a fun active thing to do alone or with a friend.  Added bonus - most studios have discounted first-time classes!  So - what are your favourite workout classes in Toronto?  Has anyone tried any of my favourites?  Any others to suggest?  I'd love to hear ideas / suggestions / reviews in the comments!

Dr Kaleigh

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