Healthy treats

What do you think of if I say, "treat yourself."  For me, I usually think of a "guilty treat" like a glass of wine, dessert, staying in bed watching too much TV, or buying something I don't need.  Can you relate?  I've been thinking lately about how indulging too often in these kind of 'treats' can backfire because it's more of an addictive behaviour that you're feeding than something that is really good for you.  It is also really weird if you think about it that when you think about treating yourself, it is with something that maybe could be harmful to you...  Now I'm not saying not to do these things because I truly do believe that moderation is key and I love me a good dessert and netflix session etc.  But I also think it is important to be mindful of truly taking good care of ourselves.  This week, I'm challenging you to think of or write (and share if you want), a list of treats that you can reward yourself with that isn't just you chasing a brief dopamine rush - we want something that will lower stress levels and contribute positively to our lives during AND after the treat.

Here is my list:

  1. cup of tea or a cappuccino (preferably in oversized mug)
  2. lighting every candle in my apartment and turning all the lights out and zenning out
  3. snuggling up with a good book (this is what I'm reading right now)
  4. going for a walk (I love going to the Evergreen Brickworks)
  5. getting a massage (I recently found out about the "Soothe" app where you can order a massage in!  They have RMTs so you can use your benefits - use code DSODX to get 20$ off your first massage with Soothe!)
  6. getting my nails done (I go here with my bff every 2 weeks and it is without a doubt my favourite friendship ritual)
  7. trying a new recipe (my brother recommended this cookbook to me and I can't wait to try my hand at Chinese cooking!)
  8. listening to a podcast (I love Bulletproof Radio, Under the Skin with Russel Brand, Off the Vine, The Ladygang, Stuff You Should Know, Stuff Mom Never Told you... ok I just really love podcasts)
  9. taking a hot bath with epsom salts for magnesium
  10. getting a cuddle from my ❤️ 

Share some healthy treat ideas, or try some of mine.  I hope this serves you!


Dr Kaleigh




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